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Our Buff Orpingtons 

The Buff Orpington duck is a breed of domesticated duck that is known for its attractive appearance, docile temperament, and versatility.

Here is some information about Buff Orpington ducks:

1. Origin: The Buff Orpington duck originated in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century. It was developed as a dual-purpose breed, meaning it was bred for both egg production and meat.

2. Appearance: Buff Orpington ducks are medium to large-sized ducks with a solid, sturdy build. They have a round, compact body, a moderately long neck, and a well-rounded head. The most distinctive feature of Buff Orpington ducks is their plumage. They have soft, fluffy feathers that are uniformly buff or golden in color. The bill and legs of Buff Orpington ducks are yellow or orange.

3. Temperament: Buff Orpington ducks are known for their calm and friendly temperament. They are generally docile, making them suitable for both backyard flocks and family pets. They can be easily tamed and enjoy human interaction. Their calm nature also makes them less likely to wander or fly away.

4. Egg Production: Buff Orpington ducks are considered good egg layers. They are known for their consistent egg production, laying approximately 150 to 220 large white or cream-colored eggs per year. The exact number of eggs can vary depending on factors such as diet, genetics, and environmental conditions.

5. Meat Qualities: While Buff Orpington ducks are primarily bred for egg production, they also have desirable meat qualities. Their meat is flavorful, tender, and often sought after by those who raise them for meat production.

6. Cold Tolerance: Buff Orpington ducks have good cold tolerance and can handle colder climates well. Their dense plumage provides insulation and helps them stay warm in lower temperatures. However, they may require protection from extreme cold, especially during harsh winters.

7. Versatility: Buff Orpington ducks are versatile birds that can adapt to various environments. They can thrive in backyard settings, small farms, or larger-scale operations. Their friendly nature, combined with their egg-laying abilities and meat qualities, make them a popular choice for those looking for a multipurpose duck breed.

When raising Buff Orpington ducks, it is important to provide them with suitable housing and access to clean water for swimming. They should be fed a balanced diet that includes waterfowl feed, fresh vegetables, and clean drinking water. Proper care, regular health checks, and protection from predators are essential for their well-being.

Overall, Buff Orpington ducks are a popular choice for those seeking an attractive, docile, and productive breed of duck for both eggs and meat.

Standards of Perfection 



Head: Fine and oval in shape. Skull narrow.

Eyes: Brown iris with blue pupil, set high in the head; large and bold, giving the head a look of alertness and activity. A deepset, scowling eye is objectionable.

Bill: Proportionate to the head in size, upper mandible straight from bean to base in line with the highest point of skull.

Neck: slender, of moderate length, upright.

Body: long, broad, and deep, particularly at the shoulders; free from any sign of keel. Full, round breast. When in lay, the duck's abdomen should be nearly touching the ground. Strong wings carried closely to the sides. The back should be perfectly straight in line, the tail being small, compact and rising slightly from the line of the back.

Legs of moderate length proportionate to the body of the duck, strong and well apart; straight toes connected by web.

Plumage tight and glossy.

Carriage should be slightly elevated at the shoulders, not quite so horizontal as the Aylesbury, but avoiding any tendency to confusion with the upright carriage of the Pekin or Runner.



The type and general physical characteristics of the drake should be identical with those of the duck after allowing for sexual differences. The chief sexual differences are as follows: Slightly increased length and weight, curved feathers in tail, longer bill, and colour differences, lack of depth in abdomen.

Colour and Genetics 


Duck: Plumage a rich shade of fawn/buff, even throughout, the head and upper part of the drake's neck at least two shades darker than his body colour. Free from lacing, barring and pencilling, blue, brown or white feathers.

Drake: Colour is the same as in ducks, and as level as possible throughout with the following differences:


Head and neck, seal brown with bright gloss, but complete absence of beetle green. The seal brown of the drake's neck should terminate in a sharply defined lie all the way round the neck.


The rump should be reddish brown as free from "blue" as possible.


Common faults to be avoided are blue in rump, pale colour or deep brown under tail, white wing. Serious faults are grey, silver, or blue head, white feathers in neck, brown secondaries, beetle green in any part, very green bill, and any of the physical defects mentioned against the duck.

Bill: orange with dark bean.

Eyes: brown iris and blue pupil.

Legs and Feet: bright orange red in colour.

The Orpington duck is available in three colour varieties: Buff, Blond and Brown. The Buff Orpington is an unstable colour due to a blue dilution gene which means that from the offspring, all three colour variations will appear.

Buff Orpington Duck SOP.jpeg

Scale of Points 

Colour: 30 

Type: 25 

Size: 25

Head: 10

Legs and Feet: 10

Our Buff Oprington

We started this project in 2022, sourcing quality birds from breeders around the country.  During this time we have bred birds with an overall focus on type, colour and size. We are excited to see how are birds go in the 2023 shows, this is the first year we will be exhibiting these birds. Wish us luck and stay tuned. 

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